this is probably the most fun side project I had so far. Functionality: Select doges from doge cards!!
Classify the accents of audiobook with CNN and RNN.
Linear, ensemble, and neural network models to perform multi-class classification on news articles.
Kids' language learning game built from scratch. Submitted to code jam.
Fill out a simple form and present your online CV
Invite friends to your private events!! No more pesty DMs!
book tickets for multiple passengers. Integrated Stripe API for Ruby
Dynamic Gif display based on your music.
Find a puppy based on your personality!
Classic tic tac toe, aka naughts and crosses. Also a classic UI exercise.
Classic rock paper scissor. Also a classic UI project.
the ipad of our times.
Mocks the UI of Youtube. Built without any UI framework.
Replica of the iOS 12 calculator. Built without any UI framework.
Use a pretrained Faster RCNN to segment street numbers and a ResNet to classify the digits.
Built RNN, GRU, transformer from scratch (without using the predefined cells in Pytorch)!
Used semi-supervised learning and VAE to predict identity of users based on ECG signals
Sentiment analysis and decoding ciphers
Linear, ensemble, and neural network models to perform multi-class classification on news articles.
command line chess game